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Owners/ Tenants Name(s):

Emergency Contact

I give permission for the following family member(s) who live at address to use the pool facilities and fob entry: 


Disclosure / Waiver

In consideration for being granted pool/recreational facilities access, I agree that the use of the pool as well as the restrooms and any property connected to the pool, is at the sole risk of user.  I further understand that the use of all facilities is unsupervised, and that accident, injury or death may occur because of use.  I hereby agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Association, its agents, and employees from and against all claims, demands, causes of action, and/or liability associated with the use of pool or other facilities attached to the pool, by myself, my family members, guests, tenants, and invitees.  I also understand that my electronic key is my sole responsibility and if lost or stolen should be reported immediately to the Management Company to be released from any claims, demands, causes of action, and/or liability associated with its use.  Further, I am aware the current Amended Pool Rules and Regulations, the Pool Facility Use Agreement, which is attached hereto, and the General Pool Rules are all posted on the Association website for my review.

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